Rich Content (WYSIWYG)

This module is primarily used for text heavy sections but can also include images and videos. There are general styles and formatting for the paragraph copy / body content.

This module is primarily used for text heavy sections but can also include images and videos. There are general styles and formatting for the paragraph copy / body content. You can visually view the different ways to use this module on this page.

Style Variants

No Heading

This variant gives you the option to include WYSIWYG content only, without including a section header. This can be helpful when you want to include text below a hero, but already have a big hero heading that captures the section description.

Heading Only

This variant gives you the option to include a section heading as well as WYSIWYG content.

Heading and Summary

This variant gives you the option to include a section heading, a section subheading and WYSIWYG content.


Use the toolbar in the WYSIWYG module to edit the content with the default styles available. You can include different heading sizes within the paragraph, change the alignment or text sizing, add hyperlinks, list items, etc.

Adding Image or Video

Media Image: Select the add media button to select any image from your media library or upload new.

Display Settings: Once your image is added, you’ll have the ability to resize, realign, replace or add a custom link. Just click on the image and select the pencil icon. Test out the different sizes to get a feel for what looks right with your content on the page. If you include a custom URL, the image will become clickable and link out to the URL included.

Video: If you’d like to include a video, it will need to be a YouTube link. We don’t currently support embeds other than YouTube links at this time. All you need to do is copy and paste the full YouTube URL in the WYSIWYG content and it will automatically embed onto the page and you’ll be able to see it in WordPress as well. Use the same display settings for video editing.